Private Infinite Possibilities Coaching Course - A Four Week
Course Meeting 90 Minutes Per Week - $250.00
Lisa is a certified trainer in
the empowering life coaching program called "Infinite Possibilities". This program gives you the tools to
change your life! Do you want to find your life purpose? Or go further in your current occupation? Achieve
better relationships? Have the best health? During this 4-week course, Lisa will give you the tools to make all
the changes you desire. Learn the power of your thoughts, beliefs and emotions and how to change them. Learn the
science that makes you resist change to unhealthy habits and other aspects of your life. Release the blocks to abundance,
health, and the best relationships. This program has transformed lives. Course includes the Infinite Possibilities
workbook and can be conducted in office or via Zoom. If coming to the office, you have the option of adding Reiki Natural
Healing and Rapid Transformational Therapy to your course day. If taking the course via Zoom, you are welcome to add
Reiki Natural Healing as it can be given via distance healing. Thank You!
**The Infinite Possibilities Coaching Program is not a substitute for treatment from a licensed Medical
or Mental Health Practitioner. Results are individual and based on your readiness and free will. Always seek proper
treatment when necessary.**